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The Community Preschool of the Palisades


The Community Preschool of the Palisades

Enrolling for next school year!

The Community Preschool of the Palisades has provided a gentle, fun play-based early learning program for children ages 2 through 5 for more than 30 years. Founded in 1986, as a ministry of the Palisades Community Church, the Preschool became an independent non-profit 501c3 organization in 2016. We offer a non-religious program, focused on the emotional, social, physical and intellectual well-being and development of our students.

The Community Preschool is dedicated to providing high quality education for our children, in a caring environment. We value the child as a whole person and seek to promote all aspects of his or her growth. We feel that preschoolers learn most through play and interaction with their peers and teachers. The teachers encourage their natural curiosity and creativity in a play setting.

Our classes are grouped according to the age of the children: Tadpoles (2 years), Polliwogs (2½ to 3 years), Frogs (3 to 4 years), and Dragonflies (pre-kindergarten). All classes are play-based, with hands-on, exploratory learning. The following examples of classroom activities help us reach our goals through creative play:

  • Free Play - having choices and cooperating with others by sharing, taking turns, compromising and working independently.
  • Creative Art - exploring ideas, colors, textures and methods through various media.
  • Dramatic Play - using imagination, social interaction and trying on different roles.
  • Music & Dance - singing, creative movement and introduction to simple instruments.
  • Cooking Time - measuring, pouring, and stirring; exploring simple mathematical and scientific discoveries and healthy eating.
  • Playground Time - climbing, jumping, digging, gardening and artistic expression.
  • Language & Literacy Skills - sharing and creating stories and poems, playing with rhyme and rhythm, forming letters and sounds, and expressing feelings and ideas.
  • Pre-Math Skills - counting and comparing, building and balancing, graphing, patterning and sequencing.
  • Pre-Science Skills - predicting, experimenting, observing and concluding through various hands-on methods.
  • Outside World - experiencing nature and life cycles, taking on responsibilities and caring for our environment, local and global community awareness and cultivating a respect for others.

We try to teach children in a caring and positive atmosphere with emphasis on establishing both a lasting positive self-image and social skills on the group level.

Sensory, motor, perceptual and language skills are integrated into the program through creative play and activities which are both teacher-directed and student-directed.

For information and to enroll your child with us, please call 202-364-8424 or visit us online at www.palisadespreschooldc.org.
