A resource of and for the Washington, D.C. foreign embassy community
The Embassy of Belgium: Consular and Other Offices
2944 North 44th Street, Suite 200, Phoenix AZ
85018 Mr. Reginald Winssinger, Honorary Consul
2944 North 44th Street, Suite 200, Phoenix AZ
85018 Mr. Reginald Winssinger, Honorary Consul
2944 North 44th Street, Suite 200, Phoenix AZ
85018 Mr. Reginald Winssinger, Honorary Consul
P.O. Box 130051, Carlsbad CA
92013 Mr. Patrick John Sebrechts, Honorary Consul
P.O. Box 130051, Carlsbad CA
92013 Mr. Patrick John Sebrechts, Honorary Consul
P.O. Box 130051, Carlsbad CA
92013 Mr. Patrick John Sebrechts, Honorary Consul
6100 Wilshire Blvd, West, 12th Floor, Los Angeles CA
90048 Mr. Rudi Veestraeten, Consul General
6100 Wilshire Blvd, West, 12th Floor, Los Angeles CA
90048 Mr. Rudi Veestraeten, Consul General
6100 Wilshire Blvd, West, 12th Floor, Los Angeles CA
90048 Mr. Rudi Veestraeten, Consul General
233 Maple Street, San Francisco CA
94118 Mrs. Nathalie Claire G. Delrue McGuire, Honorary Consul
233 Maple Street, San Francisco CA
94118 Mrs. Nathalie Claire G. Delrue McGuire, Honorary Consul
233 Maple Street, San Francisco CA
94118 Mrs. Nathalie Claire G. Delrue McGuire, Honorary Consul
3900 East Mexico Avenue, Suite 300, Denver CO
80210 Mr. Frank J.Schuchat, Honorary Consul
3900 East Mexico Avenue, Suite 300, Denver CO
80210 Mr. Frank J.Schuchat, Honorary Consul
3900 East Mexico Avenue, Suite 300, Denver CO
80210 Mr. Frank J.Schuchat, Honorary Consul
2 Greenwich Office Park, Greenwich CT
06831 Mr. Francois M. de Visscher, Honorary Consul
2 Greenwich Office Park, Greenwich CT
06831 Mr. Francois M. de Visscher, Honorary Consul
2 Greenwich Office Park, Greenwich CT
06831 Mr. Francois M. de Visscher, Honorary Consul
District Of Columbia
3330 Garfield Street, NW, Washington DC
20008 His Excellency Jan Jozef Matthysen, Consul General
3330 Garfield Street, NW, Washington DC
20008 His Excellency Jan Jozef Matthysen, Consul General
3330 Garfield Street, NW, Washington DC
20008 His Excellency Jan Jozef Matthysen, Consul General
100 N Biscayne Blvd, Suite 500, Miami FL
33132 Mr. Manuel Molina, Honorary Consul
100 N Biscayne Blvd, Suite 500, Miami FL
33132 Mr. Manuel Molina, Honorary Consul
100 N Biscayne Blvd, Suite 500, Miami FL
33132 Mr. Manuel Molina, Honorary Consul
230 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2710, Atlanta GA
30303 Mrs. Genevieve Marie Claire Verbeek, Consul General
230 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2710, Atlanta GA
30303 Mrs. Genevieve Marie Claire Verbeek, Consul General
230 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2710, Atlanta GA
30303 Mrs. Genevieve Marie Claire Verbeek, Consul General
707 Richards Street, Suite 600, Honolulu HI
96813 Mr. Jeffrey Daniel Lau, Honorary Consul
707 Richards Street, Suite 600, Honolulu HI
96813 Mr. Jeffrey Daniel Lau, Honorary Consul
707 Richards Street, Suite 600, Honolulu HI
96813 Mr. Jeffrey Daniel Lau, Honorary Consul
1713 W. Beach Avenue, Chicago IL
60622 Mr. Paul Michel Van Halteren, Honorary Consul
1713 W. Beach Avenue, Chicago IL
60622 Mr. Paul Michel Van Halteren, Honorary Consul
1713 W. Beach Avenue, Chicago IL
60622 Mr. Paul Michel Van Halteren, Honorary Consul
612 Valley View Drive, Moline IL
61265 Mr. Patrick A. Van Nevel, Honorary Consul
612 Valley View Drive, Moline IL
61265 Mr. Patrick A. Van Nevel, Honorary Consul
612 Valley View Drive, Moline IL
61265 Mr. Patrick A. Van Nevel, Honorary Consul
1009 South 4th Street, Louisville KY
40203 Mr. Alfred John Welsh, Honorary Consul
1009 South 4th Street, Louisville KY
40203 Mr. Alfred John Welsh, Honorary Consul
1009 South 4th Street, Louisville KY
40203 Mr. Alfred John Welsh, Honorary Consul
701 Poydras Street, Suite 4500, New Orleans LA
70139 Mr. Roland Manil Vandenweghe, Jr, Honorary Consul
701 Poydras Street, Suite 4500, New Orleans LA
70139 Mr. Roland Manil Vandenweghe, Jr, Honorary Consul
701 Poydras Street, Suite 4500, New Orleans LA
70139 Mr. Roland Manil Vandenweghe, Jr, Honorary Consul
22 Hudson Road, Lawrence MA
02421 Mr. Jacques Longerstaey, Honorary Consul
22 Hudson Road, Lawrence MA
02421 Mr. Jacques Longerstaey, Honorary Consul
22 Hudson Road, Lawrence MA
02421 Mr. Jacques Longerstaey, Honorary Consul
799 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie MD
21061 Mr. Louis G. Connor, Honorary Consul
799 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie MD
21061 Mr. Louis G. Connor, Honorary Consul
799 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie MD
21061 Mr. Louis G. Connor, Honorary Consul
30 Edgemere Road, Grosse Pointe Farms MI
48236 Mr. David Paul Cornillie, Honorary Consul
30 Edgemere Road, Grosse Pointe Farms MI
48236 Mr. David Paul Cornillie, Honorary Consul
30 Edgemere Road, Grosse Pointe Farms MI
48236 Mr. David Paul Cornillie, Honorary Consul
238 S Mississippi Blvd, St. Paul MN
55105 Mrs. Lydie Justine Stassart, Honorary Consul
238 S Mississippi Blvd, St. Paul MN
55105 Mrs. Lydie Justine Stassart, Honorary Consul
238 S Mississippi Blvd, St. Paul MN
55105 Mrs. Lydie Justine Stassart, Honorary Consul
New York
41 Causeway, Lawrence NY
11559 Mr. Israel Singer, Honorary Consul
41 Causeway, Lawrence NY
11559 Mr. Israel Singer, Honorary Consul
41 Causeway, Lawrence NY
11559 Mr. Israel Singer, Honorary Consul
1065 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd Floor, New York NY
10018 Ambassador Marc Andries Michiel Calcoen, Consul General
1065 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd Floor, New York NY
10018 Ambassador Marc Andries Michiel Calcoen, Consul General
1065 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd Floor, New York NY
10018 Ambassador Marc Andries Michiel Calcoen, Consul General
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400, Cincinnati OH
45202 Mr. Paul Allaer, Honorary Consul
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400, Cincinnati OH
45202 Mr. Paul Allaer, Honorary Consul
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400, Cincinnati OH
45202 Mr. Paul Allaer, Honorary Consul
1024 S.W. Myrtle Dr., Portland OR
97201 Mr. John H. Herman, Honorary Consul
1024 S.W. Myrtle Dr., Portland OR
97201 Mr. John H. Herman, Honorary Consul
1024 S.W. Myrtle Dr., Portland OR
97201 Mr. John H. Herman, Honorary Consul
1701 Market St., Philadelphia PA
19103 Mr. Stephen Anthony Jannetta, Honorary Consul
1701 Market St., Philadelphia PA
19103 Mr. Stephen Anthony Jannetta, Honorary Consul
1701 Market St., Philadelphia PA
19103 Mr. Stephen Anthony Jannetta, Honorary Consul
800 N. Bell Avenue, Suite 290, Pittsburgh PA
15106 Ms. Anne B. Lackner, Honorary Consul
800 N. Bell Avenue, Suite 290, Pittsburgh PA
15106 Ms. Anne B. Lackner, Honorary Consul
800 N. Bell Avenue, Suite 290, Pittsburgh PA
15106 Ms. Anne B. Lackner, Honorary Consul
Puerto Rico
14 Calle San Sebastian, Viejo, San Juan PR
00901 Mr. Michael Spector, Honorary Consul
14 Calle San Sebastian, Viejo, San Juan PR
00901 Mr. Michael Spector, Honorary Consul
14 Calle San Sebastian, Viejo, San Juan PR
00901 Mr. Michael Spector, Honorary Consul
12222 Ashford Way, Kingwood TX
77339 Mr. Jacques Etienne Bouchez, Honorary Consul
12222 Ashford Way, Kingwood TX
77339 Mr. Jacques Etienne Bouchez, Honorary Consul
12222 Ashford Way, Kingwood TX
77339 Mr. Jacques Etienne Bouchez, Honorary Consul
1308 Danbury Drive, Mansfield TX
76063 Dr. Georges Andre Bens, Honorary Consul
1308 Danbury Drive, Mansfield TX
76063 Dr. Georges Andre Bens, Honorary Consul
1308 Danbury Drive, Mansfield TX
76063 Dr. Georges Andre Bens, Honorary Consul
106 S. St. Mary Street, Suite 200, San Antonio TX
78205 Mr. Robert P. Braubach, Honorary Consul
106 S. St. Mary Street, Suite 200, San Antonio TX
78205 Mr. Robert P. Braubach, Honorary Consul
106 S. St. Mary Street, Suite 200, San Antonio TX
78205 Mr. Robert P. Braubach, Honorary Consul
1861 Herbert Avenue, Salt Lake City UT
84108 Mr. Patrick Marcel Didier, Honorary Consul
1861 Herbert Avenue, Salt Lake City UT
84108 Mr. Patrick Marcel Didier, Honorary Consul
1861 Herbert Avenue, Salt Lake City UT
84108 Mr. Patrick Marcel Didier, Honorary Consul
1023-K Laskin Road, Virginia Beach VA
23451 Mr. Gregory John Lanese, Honorary Consul
1023-K Laskin Road, Virginia Beach VA
23451 Mr. Gregory John Lanese, Honorary Consul
1023-K Laskin Road, Virginia Beach VA
23451 Mr. Gregory John Lanese, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 470, Seattle WA
98121 Mr. Herbert Ronald Masnik, Honorary Consul
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1900, Milwaukee WI
53202 Ms. Elisabeth Townsend Bridge, Honorary Consul
"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." - Jimmy Carter